The author of this book has been engaged in landscape painting creation for decades, and at the same time has a lot of experience in the theoretical research of landscape painting, so from the perspective of combining the practice and theory of landscape painting creation, analyzing the key points of theoretical thinking of predecessors, clarifying the laws of artistic creation, and then expanding the theoretical dimension, the "unity of Taoist instruments" has a certain opportunity. Fortunately, the painting theory of previous generations has a major influence, are the experience of the painter, especially the practical remarks of landscape painters, which are even more important and extraordinary, therefore, most of the selected painting theories in this book are the summary of the creative experience of excellent painters of previous generations, and these theories or interpretations, or different, or doubtful, or germinated, have formed a series of research remarks in this book, and specifically for the systematic study of landscape painting theory, which is the feature of this book.
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Realizing the Historical Mission of Socialist Literature and Art with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era中国文人画与禅宗思想关系性研究——从明末清初到民国的脉络梳理
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The Ideology of Chinese Painting