In the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China has entered a period of rapid development of industrialization and modernization, and China has rapidly developed from a poor and backward agricultural country into an industrialized and modern country. In the process of industrialization and modernization, China has explored and formed a social system with its own characteristics, and the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics is the core content of contemporary China's social system. China's successful practice of industrialization and modernization has attracted the attention of the world, and the successful experience of China's industrialization and modernization has been accumulated and embodied in the Chinese system, especially the political system. The Institute of Political Science of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is an important professional research institution in China, shouldering the important responsibility of studying Chinese political practice and theory. Since 2010, the Institute of Political Science has formed a research group on "China's Political System" headed by Director Fang Ning, and after several years of research and several drafts, finally completed the book "China's Political System". The biggest feature of this book is that it has changed the formal and textual static narrative mode usually adopted by previous works on China's political system with the constitution, laws and institutions as objects, and instead adopted a substantive and dynamic description and research method that cuts into the actual operation of the political system, thus forming a new paradigm of empirical research and introduction of contemporary Chinese political system.
Theoretical and Empirical Research on Public Management: A Philosophical View Based on the Coupling of Chinese Concerns and International Perspectives中国行政组织伦理的现代性反思与重建
Modernity Reflection and Reconstruction of Ethics in Chinese Administrative Organizations构建和谐:转型期中国农民非制度化利益表达的生发逻辑及矫正路径
Building Harmony: The Logic and Corrective Path of Non-institutionalized Interest Expression of Chinese Peasants in the Transition Period一个特殊时期的英人评华(1790~1820)
BRITISH VIEWS ON CHINA At A Special Time (1790-1820)后疫情时代的全球经济与世界秩序
Global Economy and World Order in the Post-COVID-19 Era