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Foreign Literature Studies in Contemporary China(1949-2019)

外国文学 文学研究






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   Looking at the seventy years of foreign literary research, we cannot fail to acknowledge two basic facts. First, although the first three decades basically followed the Soviet model and abandoned Western literary and cultural traditions, and some of them were disturbed by the extreme "left" trend of thought for more than a decade, they built a framework for the construction of foreign literary disciplines. Second, although the "reversal" of the last 40 years, that is, the influx of Western literature into the Chinese literary circle, hit the Chinese literary scene as never before, it played a certain leading role in emancipating the mind and rectifying chaos. 1. Without the explosive appearance of foreign literary works in front of us, it is impossible for Chinese literature to quickly bid farewell to "scar literature" and derive "root-seeking literature" and "avant-garde literature". 2. Without the wild appearance of foreign literary theories around us, Chinese literature would not have been able to quickly complete the multiple transformations of politics and aesthetics, and take the lead in entering the "carnival" of "globalization" and postmodernity, evolving into an incomparably complex and pluralistic color. However, the study of foreign literature in this period clearly switched to the Western model, abandoning some fine traditions and academic paradigms that should have been adhered to. In recent years, with the concept of "four self-confidences" and concentric circles of a community with a shared future for mankind deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the "double hundred" policy and the "two for" direction are increasingly becoming an important recognition of China's foreign literary circles.(AI翻译)
