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品德教育 研究 中国 古代






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The general process of personality development is the process of internalizing the universal values of society into the moral character and code of conduct of the individual. In this process, the universal values of society are general, and the individual moral qualities shown by personality cultivation are individual, and in order to internalize the general social universal values into the moral qualities of the individual, it is necessary to make the universal social values at the general level concrete, individualized, vivid and enriched, so that they can be accepted by the individual and internalized into the moral character and code of conduct of the individual. In contrast, in the process of individual personality cultivation, the ancient Chinese ancestors gradually established a series of informal systems such as folk protocols, folk rituals, private education and folk moral models through long-term social production and exchanges, which played a far greater role than the formal system. Faced with the important task of improving and strengthening ideological and political education, how to internalize the core socialist values into the moral character of individuals is a theoretical and practical issue that must be solved. In the process of cultivating personality in ancient China, informal systems such as folk protocols, folk rituals, folk moral models, and non-governmental educational institutions as carriers and channels played a very important role in promoting the concreteness, individualization, vividness and enrichment of general social values in order to cultivate individual moral character.(AI翻译)
