Common wealth can be understood as the common prosperity of all the people, which means, on the one hand, a state of prosperity based on the high degree of development of the productive forces of society and, on the other hand, a state in which all the people are able to share in the results of the high degree of development of the productive forces and to achieve a general state of prosperity.In today's China, the realisation of common prosperity is both an essential requirement of socialism and an important feature of China's modernisation.This book, published in English, analyses the path towards common prosperity that China has taken since the founding of the People's Republic of China from the perspective of understanding China, starting from the interrelated points of the essential requirements of socialism and the path of modernisation.
Theoretical Trajectory of Social Development in Contemporary China民国中央官僚的群体结构与社会关系:1912—1949
The Structure and Social Networks of Central Government Officials in the Republic of China,1912-1949在事实和价值之间:文学与政治关系的当代中国言说图景与学理批评
Between Facts and Values:A Critical Study on the Relationship between Literature ang Politics中国的生态文明建设之路
China's Road to Ecological Civilization Construction中国现代民族主义文学思潮:1895-1945
Modern Nationalist Literary Thought in China: 1895-1945