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Study on Liang Qichao and the Paradigm Shift of Modern Chinese Political Thought


梁启超(1873-1929) 政治思想史 政治思想 研究 中国 近代






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Since the late Qing Dynasty, China has entered the process of modern history amid internal and external troubles, and its social and cultural forms have begun to change, especially the traditional political ideology with autocratic royal power as the core has gradually undergone a paradigm shift. The group of modern Chinese thinkers, represented by Liang Qichao, played an important role in promoting this transformation process. This book mainly reveals his relationship with the paradigm shift of political thought in modern China and the dimensions embodied in the paradigm shift of Chinese political thought by combing and analyzing Liang Qichao's promotion of freedom, rights and equality, his conception of the rule of law and constitutional democratic politics, his criticism and reshaping of national nature, and his role in the early spread of nationalism and socialism in modern China, on the one hand, to promote people's re-understanding of Liang's status and significance in China's modern social changes. On the other hand, it excavates the modern value of the ideas of the sages and provides resources for the construction of democratic politics and cultural development in China today.
