Feng Xueqin's Out of the World and Into the World: The Theory of the Relationship between Mind and Body in Modern Chinese Aesthetics is a systematic compilation and in-depth examination of the theories of the relationship between mind and body of important thinkers and aesthetes within the scope of modern Chinese aesthetics, with the main focus on the relevant theses of thinkers and aesthetes such as Kang Youwei, Tan Sitong, Liang Qichao, Wang Guowei, and Cai Yuanpei. Specifically, this book will first sort out the Chinese and foreign theoretical genealogy and historical and cultural contexts in which their theories on the relationship between body and mind were created, and identify the key opportunities for the convergence of Chinese and Western thought; second, it will summarize the results of their modern transformations of the relationship between body and mind, and in the process of such summarization will comment on the characteristics and theoretical shortcomings of each of their respective ideas; third, it will examine the body consciousness and bodily experience in the theoretical writings of these aesthetes, with a focus on the concept of the body in modern Chinese aesthetics.
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Contemporary Interpretation of Marxist Epistemology:A Study on Xia Zhentao's Epistemology Thought中国逻辑史研究.第一辑
Research on the History of Chinese Logic. First Series清初程朱理学研究
Research on Cheng Zhu Science in the Early Qing Dynasty哲学与中国.2018年.秋季卷:总第6辑
Philosophy and China.2018. Autumn volume: total 6th series