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作家 访问记 中国 现代






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From 1995 to 2010, it was a historical period of era transformation and rapid changes in the pattern of culture and art, and various hot spots of cultural thought, literature and art and highlights of academic research were formed around the historical context of cultural globalization and cultural global village. The author is immersed in the peaks and valleys of the times, and selects 30 representative literary critics and writers to interview, covering more than 30 topics, including the ecology and choice of literature and art from the perspective of social transformation, the flow of contemporary cultural thought in the context of consumerism, the integration and mutual imitation of national culture in the context of globalization, the Nobel Prize in Literature in the context of globalization, the phenomenon of classmates and Bible reading, the protection and inheritance of "intangible cultural heritage", Hallyu culture, the phenomenon of "wolf totem", and Mo Yan's literary creation. This collection of interviews depicts the cultural light and shadow of the ups and downs of cultural thought in the past 15 years, records the rich spiritual world and unique artistic creation of 30 literary artists such as Wang Chaowen, Zhou Ruchang, Lan Yingnian, and Mo Qing, and explores the psychological journey of the spiritual quest of literary predecessors and academic Shi Yan, which is a spiritual history of intellectuals under the threshold of cultural visits. Most of the interviewees are the seniors, backbones and pillars of the literary world, and their in-depth analysis and combing of the same cultural trends and literary and artistic phenomena in the past 15 years of the century shine with ideological brilliance, and have precious literary, academic and historical values? The book has a broad vision and lively style, and you can easily read it to gain intellectual and intellectual enlightenment.(AI翻译)
