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民族关系 研究 中国 古代






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收进书中的论文,特别是上编的八篇论文,都是经过了反复思考,最后选定下来的。《中国古代史中有关祖国疆域和少数民族的问题》和《再论》两篇文章,是我试写这方面有关理论文章的开端,而且,引起了大家的兴趣,在《文汇报》上展开了一次热烈的讨论;《处理历史上民族关系的几个重要准则》,是我参加《历史研究》发起的关于民族关系史讨论的一篇论文,翌年,于北京香山别墅召开的全国中国民族关系史学术座谈会上,由大会印发给与会代表,产生了一定的影响;《正确处理历史上民族关系的几个问题》和《民族关系史与爱国主义教育》,是我分别参加在《北方论丛》和《光明日报》上开展的两次讨论的文章,在前此的基础上,对问题的认识都有所加深;《主体民族 统治民族 大民族主义》和《以民族平等原则处理历史上不平等的民族关系》两文,是我针对近年来,有同志提出的带有新意、引起大家浓厚兴趣但尚未展开充分讨论的两种观点,分别撰写成的。值得一提的是《建国以来中国民族关系史若干理论问题研究评议》一文,是我根据掌握的有关三十多年来中国民族关系史这门新学科研究、讨论的大量的资料,经过分门别类概括出来的。它包括“关于我国统一的多民族国家形成的问题”、“关于我国历史上的‘外族’和‘外国’的问题”、“关于我国历史上各民族国家间战争性质的问题”、“关于民族英雄和民族败类的问题”、“关于我国历史上民族关系主流的问题”、“关于中国主体民族的问题”、“关于民族关系史研究为现实服务的问题”七个最重要的理论问题,并根据一得之见,重点作了比较全面地评议。对是否收辑这篇文章,曾作过反复斟酌,感到缺点是和上面的几篇论文多少不无重复之处,好处是纲举目张,问题突出,比较全面地反映了这门新学科产生、成长、坎坷、曲折和发展、繁荣的历史轨迹,直至当前研究、讨论进展的现状,有助于民族关系史研究者和爱好者的了解和把握。权衡利弊,觉得得大于失,最后,还是决定选辑进来。其他还有许多文章,则一概删汰从严、忍痛割爱了。

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has carried out top-level design for the development of Chinese think tanks from the strategic perspective of promoting scientific democracy and decision-making according to law, promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and enhancing the country's soft power, providing important guidance and basic compliance for the construction of new think tanks with Chinese characteristics. In November 2014, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of New Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics, marking that the construction of new think tanks in China has entered a new stage of accelerated development. In February 2015, under the correct leadership and strong support of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and the Shandong Provincial People's Government, the Shandong Academy of Social Sciences conscientiously studied and learned from the experience of the reform of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, boldly explored and implemented the "Social Science Innovation Project", boldly carried out a series of major innovative measures in scientific research system and mechanism, personnel management, scientific research fund management, etc., and successively implemented a series of major innovative measures, bravely explored new ways for the construction of a new think tank with Shandong characteristics, and achieved obvious results. It has become the first local academy of social sciences in the national academy of social sciences to comprehensively implement the philosophy and social science innovation project. In May 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the Philosophy and Social Sciences Work Forum. The speech profoundly expounded the historical status and epochal value of philosophy and social sciences, highlighted the adherence to the guiding position of Marxism in the field of philosophy and social sciences in China, and made major arrangements for accelerating the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics. Taking the opportunity of in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Symposium on Philosophy and Social Sciences, the Shandong Academy of Social Sciences continues to vigorously promote the innovation project of philosophy and social sciences, and strives to build an "ideological and theoretical highland" for Marxist research and propaganda, an important "think tank" and "think tank" of the provincial party committee and government, a high-end academic hall of philosophy and social sciences in Shandong Province, a comprehensive database and research evaluation center of Shandong Province, and an innovative team serving the construction of an economically and culturally strong province. To make greater contributions to the prosperity and development of philosophy and social sciences and the construction of a new think tank with Shandong characteristics. The Library of Shandong Academy of Social Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the Library) is a major project of the "Innovation Project" of the Shandong Academy of Social Sciences, and an important part of the Contemporary Qilu Library of the Shandong Academy of Social Sciences. The library contains scientific research achievements that have won the first prize of excellent social science achievements in Shandong Province and above since the establishment of our institute. The second batch of "Wenku" includes 18 research monographs and 1 award-winning anthology of nationally renowned experts such as Ding Shaomin, Wang Zhidong, Lu Xinde, Qiao Li, Liu Dake, Qu Yongyi, Sun Zuomin, Zhuang Weimin, Xu Jinying, Song Shichang, Zhang Weiguo, Li Shaoqun, Zhang Hua, Qin Qingwu, Han Minqing, Cheng Xiangqing, Lu Yu, etc. These achievements involve scientific socialism, literature, history, philosophy, economics, demography and other fields, take the Marxist world outlook and methodology as the guide, deeply study the basic theoretical issues in the field of philosophy and social sciences, and actively explore major theoretical and practical issues in building socialism with Chinese characteristics, which have played an important role in promoting the prosperity and development of philosophy and social sciences. These achievements are all masterpieces created by the author after long-term academic accumulation, which fully embodies the mission of philosophy and social science research, and shows the excellent academic style of dedication to learning and innovation. This kind of mission, rigorous scientific research attitude and scientific research style are worthy of our serious study and development, which is an inexhaustible driving force for our institute to further promote innovative projects and the construction of new think tanks. There is no end to practice, and there is no end to theoretical innovation. If we want to break through the predecessors, the descendants will inevitably break through us. The achievements included in the Library will also be constantly revised, enriched and improved due to the changes of the times, the development of practice, and the innovation of theory, but their role in promoting the economic and social development of that time will be remembered together with these words. The principle of publishing the Library of the Shandong Academy of Social Sciences is to respect the historical value of the original work and not to make major revisions, so what you see in the Library is the original result of the exploration and research of experts in that era. "Shandong Academy of Social Sciences Library" is a dynamic and open system, on the basis of the first batch and the second batch of publication, we will successively launch the third batch, the fourth batch and other follow-up results... The publication of "Wenku" is carried out under the direct leadership of the editorial board, and has received strong support from the authors and their relatives, as well as the comrades of relevant research units of the academy. At the same time, the leadership of China Social Sciences Press attaches great importance to and gives strong support and help, especially the responsible editor Director Feng Chunfeng has made hard efforts for this, and I would like to express my sincerest gratitude. The organization and liaison of the publication of this book are the responsibility of the Scientific Research Organization Department of the Shandong Academy of Social Sciences. Due to the limited level, it is inevitable that there will be deficiencies and even mistakes in the publishing work, and readers and relevant experts and scholars are kindly requested to criticize and correct. Editorial Board of Library, Shandong Academy of Social Sciences, November 16, 2016(AI翻译)
