Problems of Ethnic Relations in Ancient China is a collection of essays by Mr. Sun Jomin, who has devoted himself to the study of ethnic relations in ancient China for more than 30 years. It contains dozens of essays from the mid-1950s to the 1990s. Mr. Sun Jomin was an expert on the history of the Chinese Peasant War, and also had a more comprehensive and in-depth study on the history of ethnic relations in ancient China. In the thirty years from the beginning of the 1950s to his death, he published dozens of papers on the history of ethnic relations, covering various aspects of the history of ethnic relations. Inquiry into the Problems of Ethnic Relations in Ancient China is a collection of some of these papers.
Theory and Innovation of Social Governance Practice in China: The Wuchang Model环境社会学理论与方法
Theories and Methods of Environmental Sociology社会之霾——当代中国社会风险的逻辑与现实
Haze of the society-The logic and reality of social risk in contemporary China中国公共史学集刊.第三集
PUBLIC HISTORY IN CHINA中国社会学学科自信:景天魁荣休讨论会文集
Disciplinary Confidence in Chinese Sociology:Papers of the Conference for Emeritus Professor Jing Tiankui