This book is a selection of papers on the Belt and Road Initiative by many outstanding scholars in the field of world economy and politics in China, and includes relevant research results published in influential domestic academic journals such as International Economic Review and Contemporary Asia-Pacific in recent years. The authors of the papers came from well-known Chinese research institutions such as the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Institute of Asia-Pacific and Global Strategy, the National Institute of Development Studies of Peking University, the School of International Relations, and the Development Research Center of the State Council, focusing on major issues such as the significance of the Belt and Road Initiative, economic logic, the relationship that needs to be prioritized, risks and how to implement it, and many of the articles have had a positive impact on academia, policymaking and society. Jointly produced by the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the national publishing house China Social Sciences Press, this book provides a window for readers interested in learning about the views of Chinese think tanks on the Belt and Road Initiative.
Analysis of China's Macroeconomic and Fiscal Policies.2016-2017中国农村研究.2020年卷.下
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Research on the Effectiveness of Scientific and Technological Public Investment in Supporting the Development of Emerging Industries人口迁移影响下的中国农民家庭
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The Development of China's Personal Credit Reporting System in the Internet Finance Era