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China's “New Economic Normal”: Connotations and Countermeasures

中国经济 研究






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The innovation team of the "China Circular Economy and Environmental Assessment and Prediction Center" of the Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences was established in 2013. The main task of the team is to study the theory and practice of China's circular economy development, the trend of macroeconomic development under the new normal of the economy and the opportunities and challenges it brings to the development of circular economy, provide theoretical and applied research support for the national formulation of strategies and policies for the construction of ecological civilization and the development of circular economy, and compile the "China Circular Economy Development Report". Study the micro-model and institutional and policy needs of circular economy development. Since its establishment, the team has successively summarized and evaluated the systems and policies of China's circular economy development in the past ten years, analyzed and evaluated the strategies and policy needs of the 13th Five-Year Circular Economy Development, conducted a large number of planning and national pilot implementation plan studies for local governments, industrial parks and enterprises, and completed the compilation of the "China Circular Economy Development Report 2013-2014". Starting from the domestic and international background of the new normal, this report provides an in-depth analysis of the evolution of the discourse of China's "new economic normal", the theoretical basis of economics and the practical background. The report believes that China's "new economic normal" is a new "market economy normal" in which China's economic development has entered a new stage of transformation and reform. In order to maintain stable and sustained economic growth under the new economic normal, the report proposes to accelerate the implementation of the comprehensive reform strategy to cope with the shrinking of the reform dividend, to implement the innovation-driven development strategy to cope with the shrinking productivity dividend, to create a human resource dividend to cope with the disappearance of the demographic dividend, to implement the circular economy strategy to cope with the disappearance of the resource and environmental dividend, to respond to the shrinkage of the urbanization dividend with the substantive urbanization strategy, and to respond to the disappearance of the structural dividend by implementing the strategy of upgrading emerging industries and manufacturing. Seven strategic countermeasures, including the implementation of the strategy of the rise of trade in services and the disappearance of net export dividends.
