The retail industry is an important intermediary and hub for the operation of the Chinese market economy, and plays an irreplaceable role in the process of integrating production and consumption and promoting the national economic cycle. China's retail industry has experienced a golden period of rapid growth, but in recent years, under the impact of weakening factor cost dividends, macroeconomic downturns, and the digital transformation of social circulation and household consumption patterns, it has gradually faced development bottlenecks, and it is urgent to change from an extensive factor-dependent growth path to a development model that improves total factor productivity as soon as possible. From the perspective of total factor productivity, this book comprehensively considers factors such as foreign investment, e-commerce impact, chain operation, and technological innovation, and studies the productivity and influencing factors of China's retail industry in the three dimensions of industry, enterprise and store, in order to provide a theoretical basis for government industrial departments to understand the development law of retail industry and formulate industrial policies, and also provide useful reference for retail enterprises to improve operational efficiency and accelerate transformation and development.
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