As China enters the 21st century, it faces serious challenges in the area of land expropriation, and reform of the expropriation system needs to be urgently promoted. Utilising a large number of texts on the formulation process of successive land expropriation laws and regulations since 1949, as well as transcripts of interviews with key figures in the legislation, this report delves into the process of change in the land expropriation system, reviews the passage of the reform of China's rural land expropriation system, explores the forces that have influenced the change in the system of land expropriation, discusses the resistance encountered by reforms of the expropriation system, and describes and evaluates the progress of the three rounds of reforms of the land expropriation system since 1999. It explores in some detail the new round of pilot reforms of the rural land expropriation system, which has been in progress since 2015, and puts forward a series of policy recommendations for reforming the land expropriation system in the direction of improvement.
Research on Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Aspects and the Construction of the Chinese Dream中国近代工业化研究
Research on Modern Industrialization in China中国共产党西部开发思想研究
Study on the Thought of the Communist Party of China on the Development of Western China中国旅游产业升级的规模与效率研究
Research on the Scale and Efficiency of China's Tourism Industry Upgrading中国特色城镇化制度变迁与制度创新研究
The Research on the System Change and the System Innovation of Urcbanization with Chinexe Characteristics