Modern Chinese existential sentences are an important topic in the study of Chinese grammar and have always attracted the attention of grammar circles. China's first systematic study of Chinese grammar, Ma Shi Wentong, has this discussion; In the 40s of the 20th century, Lv Shuxiang's "Essentials of Chinese Grammar" clearly put forward the name of "existential sentence", and analyzed and studied it; After the 80s, the study of existential sentences has been deepened, and many special research works have appeared, which have described and analyzed the syntactic characteristics of existential sentences in modern Chinese in detail, and used new theories to begin to study existential sentences from the perspective of semantics, and great achievements have been achieved.
Chinese Journal of phoneticsBulletin of the Shanghai Archaeology Forum,Volume III
Bulletin of the Shanghai Archaeology Forum, Volume III中国古代女诗人在英语世界的传播与研究
Ancient Chinese Women Poets in the English-speaking World: A Comparative Study of Their Spread and Research中国语音学报.第11辑
Chinese Journal of Phonetics中国语音学报.第9辑
Chinese Journal of Phonetlcs