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诗歌研究 中国 现代






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This book focuses on the inner form of poetic form. There are four articles in the book. The first part introduces the basic concept of poetic inner form and the history and current situation of the study of internal form. The second part introduces the large inner form in the poetic gennei form, and paves the way for the exploration of its later small inner form. The third and fourth texts are deeply rooted in the text of modern poetry, observing the characteristics and laws of its internal structure. The book begins with the poetic concept of "small inner form" (as opposed to "large inner form") and the concept of "yijie" in poetry (as opposed to the "syllable" of traditional poetics and the "formal section" formed by the mountain segment). This book argues that the small inner form of poetry is mainly composed of the three basic meanings of poetry (code A, B, and C in the book) to form its normal form and variation; An independent "ABC combination" is the process of poetry saying a surge of poetic thoughts, three levels of progression, and then "innovating", which forms a poetic "knot" (that is, a meaning section that goes beyond the "formal section" seen by sight and the "syllable" obtained by hearing and heard, and must be thought of to perceive); The meaning of poetry, like the "DNA" of poetry, determines the existence of the "poetic" text of poetry. In modern times, the great emancipation of poetry and other great tides are surging, and the external form of poetry, as well as the phonology, grammar and even the "new grammar", no longer have the normative power of poetic speech. The only remaining universal observance of the art of poetry after many forges remains, leaving only the small inner form of poetry. The formal construction of Chinese poetry must bid farewell to the construction of external forms and enter the construction of internal forms.(AI翻译)
