This collection of essays is collected by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' urban-rural development integration think tank "Research Special Journal" (2019), and scholars have conducted in-depth analysis of China's "three rural areas" from different dimensions and professional perspectives on the basis of a large number of empirical investigations. Among them, special research has been carried out on some important and hot issues, which has the characteristics of both theoretical research and policy analysis. While reflecting the originality and cutting-edge nature of academic research, it also shows the role of the national team of social science research as a suggestion and advice. The publication of this anthology has high reference value for "three rural institutions" research institutions, local governments and colleges and universities.
Research on the Effectiveness of Scientific and Technological Public Investment in Supporting the Development of Emerging Industries转型期中国的公众参与和社会资本构建
Public Participation and Social Capital Construction in Transitional China中国参与全球税收治理法律问题研究
Research on Legal Issues of China's Participation in Global Tax Governance互联网金融时代中国个人征信体系建设研究
The Development of China's Personal Credit Reporting System in the Internet Finance Era中国中西部中小微企业人力资源研究
Research on Human Resources of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Central and Western China