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A Theoretical Study of Residence Justice in China

易宪容 郑丽雅

房地产经济 经济政策 研究 中国






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Residence justice means that the right of residence of residents in modern society is a basic right, and the modern state should guarantee the basic living conditions of every resident, which is the basic symbol of modern civilization. But in a market economy, housing has a completely different amphibious nature than other commodities, which can be used for both investment and consumption. If a country does not define this issue clearly in theory and policy, the country's housing market may be off track. Therefore, the government of modern countries has to formulate corresponding real estate market laws and policies through public decision-making to ensure the justice of residents. This book systematically and comprehensively sorts out the theory of modern real estate market, the laws and institutional arrangements of real estate market in various countries, puts forward the theoretical framework of China's residential justice, and uses this theoretical framework to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth study on the development mode and path of China's real estate market, the nature and characteristics of the real estate market, the operation mode of the real estate market, the essential characteristics of the real estate financial market, and the real estate market reform and the problems existing in the real estate market. The theory of residential justice proposed in this book is of great significance for understanding China's real estate market reform.
