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社会发展史 研究 中国 近代






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2008年5月,在山西大学举行的建校106 周年纪念活动中,我在大会上有一个发言,题目叫作“走向田野与社会的史学”,初步总结了社会史研究中心成立以来立足前沿、学科融合、关注现实、培养人才、教研相长五个方面所谓的“经验之谈”。其中的“教研相长”如此谈道:
行龙:《走向田野与社会》(修订版),生活·读书·新知三联书店 2015年版,第19页。

"Teaching and learning" is familiar. The Book of Rites and Learnings says: "It is to learn and then know the inadequate, and to teach and then to know the difficulties." Knowing the inadequacy and then being able to reflexively also, knowing the difficulty and then being able to improve oneself. Therefore, teaching is also good. The "mutual benefit of teaching and research" mentioned here emphasizes the mutual promotion and mutual improvement of teaching and research. Teaching and research, the integration and complementarity of the two, is something that a university teacher should feel very happy about. Since its establishment more than 20 years ago, the Research Center for Chinese Social History of Shanxi University has adhered to the fine tradition of teaching and research, and has always emphasized the teaching of undergraduate and graduate students while doing a good job in scientific research. It is necessary not only to integrate their own research results into teaching practice, but also to introduce the problems in teaching practice into their own scientific research, from "knowing deficiencies" and "knowing difficulties" to "self-reflexive" and "self-improvement", and indeed make continuous efforts in the direction of "teaching and research mutual benefit". In May 2008, at the commemoration of the 106th anniversary of the founding of Shanxi University, I gave a speech at the conference, entitled "Toward Field and Social Historiography", which preliminarily summarized the so-called "experience talk" in five aspects: based on the frontier, integration of disciplines, attention to reality, cultivation of talents, and mutual benefit of teaching and research since the establishment of the Social History Research Center. Among them, "teaching and research" said: The duty of a teacher is to teach and educate people, and preaching, teaching, and solving confusion are the foundation of teachers. At present, a worrying phenomenon commonly found in colleges and universities is the emphasis on scientific research over teaching, which is directly related to unreasonable assessment and promotion conditions, and also directly related to the influence of social atmosphere. I remember that after staying in the school to teach in 1985, Mr. Qiao Zhiqiang and I had a serious conversation, the theme was that teaching is the first priority of teachers, if you can't stand on a three-foot platform, there is no foundation for standing, and young teachers should take passing the teaching pass as the first pass after work to take it seriously, and must not be sloppy. For thirty years, I have taken my teacher's advice to heart, and even under the pressure of heavy administrative work in recent years, I try to teach undergraduates as much as possible and strive to do every lesson well. I do the same for my own students, and although we may be a little tired, we as teachers really feel a sense of conscience satisfaction. At present, the course "Introduction to Regional Social History Research" led by me has become a national excellent course, and the team has also won the honor of national excellent teaching team. We have also carried out two activities, "Campus History and Culture Festival" and "Training Course for Young Teachers of Appreciation of Excellent Courses", with high-quality courses as the core, and relevant teaching materials are also in the process of being actively compiled. It turns out that the breadth and depth of scientific research are greatly promoted through high-quality teaching activities. Teaching and research are not empty words. "Teaching and research cooperation" is a good tradition since the establishment of the Research Center for Chinese Social History of Shanxi University. When Mr. Qiao Zhiqiang was alive, he not only pioneered the study of social history, but also led his disciples to compile the book "Modern Chinese Social History", which won the Excellent Teaching Achievement Award of the Ministry of Education, and has become a must-read and textbook for many undergraduate and graduate students in colleges and universities. After Mr. Qiao's death, we continued and carried forward this tradition, and although the focus of research shifted from overall social history to regional social history, we continued to work hard in teaching and research. Focusing on the course "Introduction to Regional Social History Research" opened for undergraduates more than 10 years ago, we set up a "Regional Social History" teaching team, which won the honors of national excellent courses, video open courses, excellent teaching teams and other honors, and the history discipline of Shanxi University became a national characteristic discipline, and established a national practical teaching base for off-campus college students. In 2014, the Research Center for Chinese Social History of Shanxi University was jointly awarded the honorary title of "Advanced Unit of National Education System" by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Education. Needless to say, at present, China's higher education is still facing many challenges and problems, among which the phenomenon of emphasizing scientific research over teaching is more prominent, and the research institutions of many universities have little or no teaching tasks for undergraduates, resulting in a serious disconnect between scientific research and teaching. Emphasizing knowledge transfer over ability cultivation, and classroom learning over research and training have become a common problem. There are less than 10 people in the Research Center for Chinese Social History at Shanxi University, and we have both a research team and a teaching team, although we are bitter and happy, because we are first and foremost university teachers. In the long-term practice of scientific research and teaching, we do have a sense of responsibility and a sense of happiness. A small intention of the "Seven Books of Teaching and Research" is to make public our long-term teaching practice around Chinese social history and regional social history, and accept the opinions and criticisms of college students, graduate students and all sectors of society, so as to continue to deepen this work. The following is a brief introduction to the "Seven Books of Teaching and Research": 1. Qiao Zhiqiang edited "Social History of Modern China" (People's Publishing House, 1992 edition). The book is Mr. Qiao Zhiqiang's "collective attempt with young teachers", which is divided into three parts: social composition, social life and social function to construct the knowledge system of modern Chinese social history, including population, family, and clan; communities and nationalities; changes in the community; Material; Spiritual; Interpersonal relationship; Parenting functions; Control functions, etc. Some scholars call it "Qiao's system, three major plates". The main text is preceded by a 35-page "introduction" written by Mr. Qiao Zhiqiang, which discusses the object of social history research, the knowledge structure of social history, the significance of studying social history, and how to study social history. This is the first systematic social history research work in China, and some critics believe that this book is "the first step from theoretical discussion to practical operation" and "has some epoch-making significance" for social history research. The book is also Chinese in traditional Chinese by Taipei Nantian Book Bureau in June 1998, and has become a must-read textbook for many undergraduate and graduate students. 2. Xinglong edited "Introduction to the Study of Regional Social History". Since 2004, I have led the course "Introduction to Regional Social History Research" in the Department of History of Shanxi University, during which there has been no interruption for more than ten consecutive years, either as an elective course in history or as an open course for the whole university. The course is conducted in the form of "group teaching", and 8 teachers from the Chinese Social History Research Center are jointly responsible for the teaching of this course. In 2007, the course was rated as a national excellent course, and the following year, the regional social history teaching team was rated as a national excellent teaching team; In 2013, the course was opened to the public as a high-quality video open course of the Ministry of Education. At the same time of teaching, we are compiling relevant teaching materials, combined with the actual teaching and students' feedback, everyone discusses together, repeatedly revises, course teaching - field trip - revision of teaching materials, and constantly repeats the cycle, and finally completes this textbook that has been made after more than 10 years of hard work. The book consists of seven chapters and an introduction, which teaches the trends, discipline orientation, regional characteristics, small local and large history, and theories, methods, and materials of regional social history research, with the intention of providing students with an introductory textbook on how to study regional social history. 3. Xinglong is the editor-in-chief of Social Research in Modern Shanxi: Toward Field and Society (China Social Sciences Press, 2002). This book is one of the "Shanxi University Centennial Academic Series", "which I jointly completed with recent master's students". In addition to the first two theoretical issues on social history and regional social history (Xinglong: Several Issues in the Study of Chinese Social History; Qiao Zhiqiang and Xinglong: "The Theory of Social Change in Rural North China in Modern Times: On the Theory and Methods of Regional Social History Research"), in addition to the study of Shanxi's population, water resources and water cases, disasters, markets, ethnic and religious conflicts, and Qi Tai Yangge in modern times. It should be said that these are questions that have rarely been covered or studied before, and we have tried to explore them from the perspective of social history. "Time has passed so quickly, and I am very pleased that 14 years after the book was published, and the former master's student has grown into a university professor. Moreover, it was the affirmation and support of Mr. Guo Yiwen, the responsible editor of this book, that gave birth to the "Seven Books of Teaching and Research", for which I would like to thank her! 4. Xinglong edited Shanxi Rural Social Research in the Age of Collectivization. This book can be regarded as a companion to the previous book, and it is also a revision of the master's thesis of the Center for Social History. The study of rural society in the era of collectivization has been one of the main research directions of the center in recent years, and many master's and doctoral theses have been carried out in this direction. The content of the book includes two categories: one is the study of a certain village problem in the collectivization era, typical rural areas such as Xigou and Zhangzhuang, and general rural areas such as Chiqiao, Scissors Bay, Daobei, etc.; The other category is special research, such as land reform, medical and health care, soil and water conservation, farmland water conservancy, cultural life, etc. in the new area. It should be noted that, as the subtitle of the previous book, the formation of each paper practices and embodies the concept of "going to the field and society". The thesis "either is rich in information or innovative in its topic, and you have noticed that you have made full use of fieldwork and local literature, and you have put in some hard work." Now, after the discussion of the teachers of the center, ten articles from dozens are selected and published in a collection, and the readers' corrections and criticisms are accepted. 5. Xinglong, editor-in-chief, and Guo Yongping, deputy editor, "Discovering History in the Field - Student Fieldwork Report (Yongji)". Going to the field and society is our pursuit and practice in the teaching and research of social history and regional social history for many years. "The field here contains two meanings: one is the field and field relative to the campus and library, that is, the grassroots society and the countryside; the second is fieldwork in the anthropological sense, that is, the method of participating in observation and field research; The society here also has two meanings: one is the real society, we must pay attention to the real society, know how to postpone from the present to the past or from the past to the present; The second is society in the sense of social history, which is a society as a whole, a society from the bottom up. "3695934 fieldwork is a compulsory course for every cohort of students at the center and history majors, and we have continued to do so for many years, and students have learned a lot. In recent years, teachers from the Social History Research Center of Shanxi University have led students to conduct many fieldwork trips in Yongji in combination with the course "Introduction to Regional Social History Research", which includes three parts: academic papers, investigation reports, and field diaries. Although immature, it is very important to us because it is a concentrated demonstration of the students' fieldwork for many years. 6. Xinglong, "Fifteen Lectures on the Social History of Shanxi Region". The book is compiled from dozens of papers on the social history of Shanxi region that I have published in recent years. The book is divided into six parts, covering the main context of Shanxi regional social history research, new research areas, fieldwork, data exploration, character research, and related issues in the history of Shanxi University. These papers are all "debuted" in the teaching process, and then absorb the opinions of all parties to form the draft, which can also be said to be the result of my "teaching and research". 7. Hu Yingze and Zhang Junfeng, eds., Regional Social History Research Reader. This "reading book" may be called a "selected book", that is, a teaching reference book. I remember when we were in college, there was a course called "Introduction to History and Selected Reading", which was very popular with students. Regional social history is an emerging field of study, but there have been so many achievements in the past 30 years, and it is really difficult to select well, make students love to read, have the guiding significance of theoretical methods, and take into account specific practical operations. Moreover, this reading book only includes some works of Chinese scholars, and it is limited to the space that does not include the works of overseas scholars (if there is an opportunity, another "Overseas Reader" can be compiled), which is intended to reduce the sense of separation and enhance the sense of closeness, which may be more in line with the reader's taste. "Limited knowledge, it is inevitable to hang up a leak and leave a regret of leaving pearls", not a polite sentence. When the "Seven Books of Teaching and Research" was compiled, there was both a sense of relief and a bit of apprehension. In the process of engaging in historical research for a long time, we have seriously engaged in related teaching work, and from everyone's discussion and students' feedback, we can feel the joy of being a teacher. In addition, "teaching and research" is a process that requires long-term persistence and hard work, and in the current environment, it is also a process that requires more effort than others. The long process is not terrible, but the process is happy. As Teachers' Day 2016 is approaching and the new semester will begin, I would like to commemorate the "Seven Books of Teaching and Research", and I hope that readers will give more advice. In the process of sorting out and arranging the "Seven Books of Teaching and Research," Comrade Ma Weiqiang put in his hard work, and I would like to express my special thanks. Xinglong at the Research Center for Chinese Social History at Shanxi University on August 29, 2016(AI翻译)
