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State and Scholars in T'ang China

儒家 思想史 研究 中国 唐代






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"The State and Scholars in Tang Dynasty China" is a masterpiece of Tang Dynasty Confucianism written by Mr. David Mak for 25 years, which closely links the evolution of Confucianism in the Tang Dynasty with the development of scholar groups and academic institutions, and conducts in-depth discussions on issues such as schools and rituals, scripture, national etiquette, historiography, and article views. Each field is organized into independent chapters, according to the three periods of Gaozu and Taizong dynasties, 650-755, and after the Anshi chaos, sort out the changes in the academic environment, academic activities and academic views, summarize the academic development trajectory of each field and its subfields, analyze the gradual weakening of the academic dominance of the central government, and the increasing independence of scholarship and literature, highlight the common trend of the decline of central authority and the disappearance of a stable environment, and confirm that the academic periodization of the Tang Dynasty is in line with the history of political and social development in the Tang Dynasty. Through systematic and comprehensive, detailed and meticulous research, it has effectively reversed the tendency of traditional intellectual history to ignore the Tang Dynasty and its Confucian heritage, and especially gave important historical significance to Tang Confucianism between the Han and Song dynasties.(AI翻译)
