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How Slovakia Perceives the Belt and Road Initiative and China—CEEC Cooperation

“一带一路” 国际合作 研究 中国、斯洛伐克






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斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉发经济大学(University of Economics in Bratislava)是斯洛伐克国内最大的、从事经济和管理专业教育的综合性大学,也是斯洛伐克国内第一所教授经济学的大学。该校已同全球230所大学院校及科研院所建立了科研与教学的合作。当前该校共有七个学院,其中国际关系学院成立于2000年,重点学科为国际经济关系和经济外交。

Registered by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in April 2017 in Budapest, Hungary, China-CEE Institute Non-profit Co., Ltd. is the first independently registered new think tank in Europe in China. The China-CEE Institute adheres to the principle of pragmatic cooperation, steadily and actively seeks cooperation with think tanks in Central and Eastern European countries, and relies on Hungary to carry out academic and scientific research activities such as field research, cooperative research, joint publication, personnel training, and lecture series in Central and Eastern Europe and even the whole of Europe. The University of Economics in Bratislava is the largest comprehensive university in Slovakia specializing in economics and management, and the first university in Slovakia to teach economics. The university has established research and teaching cooperation with 230 universities and research institutes around the world. At present, there are seven faculties in the university, of which the School of International Relations was established in 2000, focusing on international economic relations and economic diplomacy. 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Slovakia. In order to better understand Slovakia's view of China's "Belt and Road" initiative and China-CEEC cooperation, explore the possibility of further development of economic and trade cooperation between China and Slovakia, and promote the development of bilateral relations, the China-CEE Institute and Bratislava University of Economics jointly published this book. This book is one of the components of the series of think tank reports of the China Institute of Central and Eastern European Studies on the "Belt and Road" and China-CEEC cooperation in Central and Eastern European countries, providing original research results for the study of the "Belt and Road" from the perspective of the target countries.(AI翻译)
