Wu Yuzhang Institute of Chinese Chinese Language and Writing is a university-level research institute jointly established by Chinese Min University and the State Language Commission, founded in 1960, which is the earliest language and writing research institute among colleges and universities in China. This series includes 16 papers, mainly the research on the history of the development of Chinese characters, such as the outline of the history of the development of Chinese characters, the origin of Chinese characters, the configuration of oracle bones and their comparison with Jinwen radicals, the subordination of the Six Kingdoms script, the Loulan Han Jian, the history of the development of Chinese characters in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and the study of characters used in the Republic of China.(AI翻译)
Introducing Corpus Srylistics into Drama Translation Studies中国精准脱贫100例·第一册(法文)
100 Cas de réduction de la pauvreté en Chine(Volume Ⅰ)飞地经济实践论:新时代深汕特别合作区发展模式研究
Enclave Economy On Practice:Research on the Development Pattern of Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone in the New Era中国乌孜别克族语言文化研究