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History of Chinese Linguistic Thought in the Hundred Years

语言学史 思想史 中国






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The History of Chinese Linguistic Thought in a Hundred Years outlines and refines the history of linguistic thought in China on the basis of combing through the relevant monographs, theses, and textbooks of a hundred years of linguistics, basing itself on literature and focusing on historical theories. Based on the study of the history of Chinese linguistics, this book pays special attention to extracting historical theories about the history of linguistic thought for discussion on the basis of the traditional study of the history of linguistics. The author believes that the history of linguistic thought can only be a true history of linguistic thought from linguistics, and that the study of the history of linguistic thought cannot be disregarded on the basis of the relevant literature of linguistic *description. This book is suitable for teaching and researchers in linguistics and applied linguistics, Chinese language and philology, and related specialties.
