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Foreign Language Use and Identity Construction in the Context of Globalization: English


外语 研究






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With the increasing frequency of cross-cultural communication, "Identity" has gradually become an important focus of interdisciplinary research in linguistics, sociology and anthropology.So far, the research results of "Identity" mainly focus on international students and immigrants in the two dimensions of "Identity" under the narrative perspective and "Identity Construction" under the micro-interaction perspective.This book takes the perspective of discourse analysis.This book explores the relationship between foreign language use, identity and discourse identity construction from the perspective of discourse analysis, combining macro and micro levels.By analysing the natural language corpus, diaries, interviews, and other data collected during a five-year field study of students (and workers) in Japan, the book provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the dynamic process of identity change from the "inside" of the participants' daily life practices, and explains the impact of foreign language use on identity change, as well as the impact of foreign language use on the construction of identity in a macro and micro level.It also explains the impact of foreign language use on identity change and the causes of identity anxiety among international students.
