On the basis of the research review, this book analyzes the development status of innovation activities in China's banking industry, studies the relationship between innovation performance and patent protection in China's banking industry, expounds the patentability of business methods in China and the United States and their patent application examination, and then uses patent analysis tools to conduct an in-depth analysis of internal innovation and external technological innovation in China's banking industry, and then evaluates the patent protection awareness of China's banking industry and the innovation ability of domestic and foreign banks. Based on the evaluation of the patent competitiveness of China's banking industry, the Grand Strategy Matrix tool is used to discuss the patent strategy of Chinese domestic banking enterprises.
邱洪华,广西梧州人,安徽财经大学法学院经济法学士,华中科技大学管理学院知识产权法硕士和知识产权管理博士,全国首批专利信息师资人才,德国马克斯·普朗克创新与竞争研究所(Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition)公派访问学者,现任教于西北大学法学院·知识产权学院,副教授、硕士研究生导师。主持国家社科基金项目1项,国家知识产权局委托研究项目、省社科基金、省自科基金、省软科学等省部级项目4项,教育厅和知识产权局等地厅级项目7项。
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