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国内生产总值 国民经济核算 研究报告 中国 2016






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After years of arduous research and exploration, the research group of "China Green GDP Performance Evaluation Research" of the National Governance Research Institute of Huazhong University of Science and Technology has created a reasonable and feasible green GDP performance evaluation system and research algorithm, developed a green development performance evaluation big data analysis platform, relying on the public data released by authoritative departments, taking 31 inland provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in the country as an example to carry out comprehensive evaluation of green GDP performance, and based on their total GDP, per capita GDP, green GDP, The per capita green GDP and green development performance index make an objective and perceptible comprehensive ranking, and also use 37 analysis charts and 38 data tables to objectively present the annual changes in GDP, per capita GDP, green GDP, per capita green GDP and green development performance index of 31 inland provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions from 2014 to 2015, and put forward reasonable and feasible countermeasures for their future development. The report advocates leading green development through green GDP performance evaluation and leading the modernization of national governance with green development. This achievement not only provides a clear premise for China to create a green and rapid development road, but also provides ideological theory, evaluation system and methodological principles that can be referenced and promoted. On May 21, 2016, as a third party, our research group released the first local green development performance evaluation report publicly released by a university think tank in China - "China Green GDP Performance Evaluation Report (2016 Hubei Volume)". On June 23, 2017, our research group released the "China Green GDP Performance Evaluation Report (2017 Hubei Volume)".(AI翻译)
