本报告为中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所《世界能源中国展望》创新工程项目首席专家徐小杰研究员近年来的能源转型专题研究成果。本专题报告运用现行政策情景和“生态能源新战略”情景的分析方法和数据系统,展望了从2015年到2030年中国能源转型的八大趋势,集中分析研判了推动八大趋势的动因、影响因素与不确定性及风险,提出中国“国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要”(“十三五”) 时期是推动这一能源转型趋势极为关键的时期,而所述八大能源转型趋势的成效对于到2020年中国全面建成小康社会和“美丽中国”的战略目标,对于亚欧地区和全球能源转型和发展态势,对于全球气候变化议程具有重大的影响。为此,作者在国内外广泛调研的基础上,借助《世界能源中国展望》数据系统优化手段,提出了系列政策建议
This report is the result of research conducted by Xu Xiaojie, a researcher and the chief expert of the World Energy China Outlook innovation project at the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Using the analytical methods and data systems of the current policy scenario and the ‘New Ecological Energy Strategy’ scenario, this special report looks at eight major trends in China's energy transition from 2015 to 2030. It focuses on analysing and determining the driving forces, influencing factors, uncertainties and risks of these eight trends, It is proposed that the period of China's 13th Five-Year Plan is a critical period for promoting this energy transition trend, and the effectiveness of the eight energy transition trends mentioned will have a significant impact on China's comprehensive construction of a well-off society and the strategic goal of ‘Beautiful China’ by 2020, as well as on the energy transition and development situation in the Asia-Europe region and the world, and on the global climate change agenda. To this end, the authors, on the basis of extensive research at home and abroad, and with the help of the World Energy China Outlook data system optimisation method, have put forward a series of policy recommendations
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