Adhering to “Philosophy and China” as the orientation of problem awareness and focusing on new philosophical research and research results of humanistic thought, this book is a project of the “Teaching and Think Tank Construction Innovation Project” of the Central Party School undertaken by the Department of Philosophy of the Central Party School (National School of Administration).
This book is oriented to the reality of China, and is committed to responding to and grasping the reality of today's conceptual plurality, ideological game and practical innovation. Through the columns of “Disciplines and China”, “Scholarship and China”, “Discourse and China”, “Theory and China” and “Problems and China”, we will outline the new dynamics and pluralism of contemporary Chinese philosophy along with the development of the times from a macroscopic point of view, and show the interactive relationship between Chinese philosophy and the reality, so as to promote the theory of contemporary Chinese philosophy and its discourse. The columns of “Theory and China” and “Problems and China” outline the new dynamic and diversified patterns of contemporary Chinese philosophy along with the development of the times, show the interaction between Chinese philosophy and reality, and thus promote the construction of the theory and discourse system of contemporary Chinese philosophy.
A Modern Anthropological Study on the Ethnicity of Chinese Aesthetic Culture马克思主义中国化最新成果研究报告.2018
Research Report on the Latest Achievements in the Chineseization of Marxism.2018中国逻辑史研究.第一辑
Research on the History of Chinese Logic. First Series伦理道德的精神哲学形态
The Spiritual Philosophy of Ethics and Morality美学经济论
Theory of Aesthetic Economy