This book discusses the theoretical resources of Chinese revolutionary literature from the perspective of translation studies, and on the basis of comprehensively discussing the influence of Chinese revolutionary literature by the left-wing literary trends of Soviet Russia and Japan, it explores the history of the acceptance and transformation of non-left-wing writers such as Byron, Tolstoy, Wilde and other world non-left-wing writers in the process of the generation and construction of Chinese revolutionary literature, and comprehensively discusses the relationship between translated literature and Chinese revolutionary literature, thereby illustrating the "mixed" and internal conflicts of Chinese revolutionary literary concepts and theoretical discourse. The root cause lies in the individualized and diversified acceptance of foreign literary discourse resources by the builders of Chinese revolutionary literature.
Chinese Journal of Phonetics新发展格局:从经济领域到非经济领域:加速启动“五位一体”新发展格局的构建
New Development Paradigm From Economic to Non-Economic Fields——Accelerating the Construction of the Five-sphere Integrated New Development Paradigm文化软实力视域下中国文学对外传播的历史变迁
The Historical Changes of Chinese Literature's External Communication in the Perspective of Cultural Soft Power中国国家非通用语言文字立法研究
Research on the Legislation of Non-Generic Languages and Writing Systems in China《论语·学而》英译选本汇校集释:以理雅各《中国经典》第一卷为底本
The English Translation of the Analects of Confucius: A Collection of Selected Texts: Based on the First Volume of Ricardo's Chinese Classics.