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The Dialectic of Social Development in Capitalism and its Chineseization


《资本论》 马克思著作研究 马克思主义 发展 研究 中国






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This book combs out the history of the development of socialist society with Chinese characteristics, and attempts to summarize the internal contradictions that determine the development of socialist society, that is, the contradiction between socialist production relations and exchange relations, and the contradiction between socialist social development and human development. In order to study the above contradictions, this book learns from Capital, reinterprets Capital, summarizes the dialectic of Capital as the dialectic of social development, clarifies that the content of the dialectic of social development is the unity of the development of Duhui and the development of man himself, and its narrative method is the unity of conceptual dialectics and practical dialectics, and puts the above views in the history of philosophy to argue and ponder. In particular, this book discusses the sinicization of the dialectic of social development in Capital, that is, using the dialectic of social development to control the contradictions between socialist production relations and exchange relations, correctly resolving the contradictions among the people in the socialist market economy, and developing a new socialist culture.
