In the process of rapid urbanization in China, land conflicts are very common. Land conflicts have been extensively studied in academia, and given the nature of land property rights in rural China, property rights theory is an important basis for explaining the root causes of land conflicts. Fieldwork shows that land conflicts have an evolutionary process of occurrence, proliferation and transformation, which is not only related to the ambiguity of collective land property rights, but also closely related to the situation of grassroots government governance. On the basis of property rights theory, this book integrates governance factors into the analysis of land conflicts, constructs an institutional analysis framework integrating "property rights and governance", takes land conflicts as "bright lines", expounds the interest game between grassroots governments, farmers and other subjects, and clarifies the role mechanism of different governance technologies and means in the evolution of land conflicts with the governance mechanism of grassroots governments as the "dark line", which not only explains the laws and characteristics of land conflict evolution, but also presents the behavior logic of grassroots governments in land development.(AI翻译)
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