From the perspective of oil, natural gas, coal, electricity, renewable energy and other sub-industries, this report reviews and analyzes the energy development situation in the world and China, focuses on the turbulence and impact of the international crude oil market since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and tracks and studies the latest progress of global and Chinese energy trade and cross-border investment. The report also focuses on the direction of global energy transition and domestic energy structure adjustment, predicts and looks forward to the global and Chinese energy evolution trends and paths in the next few years, and comprehensively and systematically sorts out and analyzes the content and impact of US sanctions against Iran, the response of the international community, and China's response measures.
Ethnic Cultural Heritage and the Belt and Road Initiative—The Paper Collection of The Second China-ASEAN Ethnic Cultural Forum中国广义价格指数编制与货币政策应用研究
The Construction of Generalized Price Index and Its Application on Monetary Policy in China中国对外投资季度报告.2015年.第3季度
Quarterly Report on China's Outward Investment. 2015. 3rd Quarter中国养老金体系构建研究:从宏观到微观的思考
Research on the Construction of China's Pension System: From Macro to Micro Thinking中国参与全球税收治理法律问题研究
Research on Legal Issues of China's Participation in Global Tax Governance