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Acceptance and Writing: Tang Poetry and Mongolian Chinese Rhyming Composition in the Qing Dynasty


唐诗 影响 蒙古族 少数民族文学 汉语 韵文 诗歌创作 中国 清代






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清代蒙古学者用汉文创作的文学作品,无论在数量还是质量上都是相当可观的,而他们的汉语韵文作品中体现出的对唐诗的接受,是与其生活时代的诗坛导向有着密切关联的。本书在对清代蒙古族汉诗创作的唐诗接受系统研究的基础上,对于清代蒙古族汉语 韵文创作的整体风貌考镜源流,对跨文体的唐诗接受做出新的探索。米彦青编著的《接受与书写--唐诗与清代蒙古族汉语韵文创作》以时空为经纬,将不同历史时期中或同家族或同地域的诗人的文学创作活动归纳分析,着意强调了地域文化和家族文化在其间的重要性,并就此做了陈述。同时,按照时代顺序依次论述代表性个体诗人的唐诗接受状况。本书是对跨民族跨文体的文学接受美学研究的有益探索,必将对沟通多民族文化交流提供新的研究视角。

Mongolian scholars of the Qing dynasty wrote considerable literary works in Chinese, both in quantity and quality, and the acceptance of Tang poetry reflected in their Chinese rhymed works was closely related to the orientation of the poetic world in the era in which they lived. On the basis of a systematic study of the acceptance of Tang poetry in Mongolian Chinese poetry of the Qing dynasty, this book examines the overall style of Mongolian Chinese rhymed literature of the Qing dynasty, and makes a new exploration of the acceptance of Tang poetry across genres. Acceptance and Writing: Tang Poetry and Mongolian Rhyming Composition in the Qing Dynasty, edited by Mi Yanqing, takes time and space as the warp and weft, summarizes and analyzes the literary creation activities of poets in different historical periods, either from the same family or from the same region, and emphasizes the importance of the regional culture and family culture in the process, and makes a statement on this. At the same time, the reception of Tang poetry by representative individual poets is discussed in chronological order. This book is a useful exploration of the study of the aesthetics of literary reception across nationalities and genres, and will surely provide new research perspectives for the communication of multi-ethnic cultural exchanges.
