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Study on Analysis of Chinese Residents' Consumption and Strategies for Expanding Consumption

王志文 卢萍

居民消费 研究 中国 消费水平






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Research on Analysis of Chinese Residents' Consumption and Strategies for Expanding Consumption, edited by Wang Zhiwen and Lu Ping, provides an empirical description of the current situation and changing trends of China's residents' consumption, and examines the deep-rooted causes of China's low residents' incomes and income gaps at three levels, namely, the pattern of distribution of national incomes (income distribution), general incomes (income flow), and household assets (income stock). Analyze the policy, institutional and environmental factors that impede the enhancement of the consumption ability and the increase of the consumption tendency of Chinese residents according to the changes in the consumption characteristics, consumption ability and consumption tendency of the residents, and make inter-provincial comparisons to reveal the gaps; construct a regression model to validate the consumption tendency, scientifically estimate the scale and level of future consumption, and expound on the methods of determining a reasonable consumption target, and construct an economic consumption-driven economic structure for China through comparative analysis and drawing on the experiences of developed countries and other regions. Through comparative analysis and drawing on the experiences of developed countries and other regions, it will construct a long-term mechanism for China's consumption-driven economy and put forward corresponding policy suggestions.
