This book examines the dissemination, translation, and academic research of Chuci in the English-speaking world. In the dissemination section, the spread of Chu Ci in the English-speaking world is presented in more detail with time clues, and the spread of Chu Ci in other countries is also summarized. In the translation part, it mainly discusses the reception of Chu Ci and Qu Yuan in the English-speaking world, and discusses the English translation of some special words in Chu Ci. In the academic research section, the research results of sinologists in the English-speaking world on Chu Ci are introduced, and compared with some domestic research results, trying to highlight the different research ideas and research methods of Chinese and foreign scholars. Finally, this book looks forward to the future research direction of Chu Ci.
二 德语文献
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三 法语文献
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五 中文文献