This book explains why the China’s reform and openingup has boosted the high-speed growth of its economy. Based on the facts and economic logic,it briefly narrates the history that the successful development of China unprecedentedly helped to improve the people’s living standard and overall welfare in the past 40 years. Recognizing the change in the stage of economic development,the author reveals emerging challenges facing China in transition from middle-income country to high-income country. He proposes to transition from the demographic dividend to reform dividend in order to sustain the long-term development. Taking the logic of economic development as the main line and using the analytical framework of economics,this book describes China’s economic miracle in plain language and attempts to enrich the economic development theory by China’s experience.
Research on equity refinancing performance: evidence from Chinese listed companies阶梯电价的中国实践:理论与实证
The Chinese Practice of Stepped Electricity Pricing: Theory and Empirical Evidence发现中国农村:大学生视野中的“三农”问题
Discovering China's Rural Areas: The Three Rural Issues in the Perspective of College Students中国战略十二讲
Twelve Lectures on Chinese Strategy跨国公司投资、资产并购与中国经济安全
Multinational Corporations' Investment, Asset Mergers and Acquisitions, and China's Economic Security