This book is an article and important speech published by Comrade Zhu Jiamu in the open media in the past 20 years on many issues of reform and opening up, as well as major issues such as contemporary Chinese politics and history. The collection of theses is of certain significance for the study of the history of reform and opening up in the past 40 years and the in-depth study of contemporary Chinese history.
CHINA—ASEAN STUDIES信任革命:比特币及去中心化数字货币的兴起
A Revolution in Trust:The Rise of Bitcoin and Decentralized Digital Currencies中国对非援助及投资的效应研究:中国发展经验及其对非洲的意义
Study on the Effects of China's Aid and Investment in Africa: China's Development Experience and Its Implications for Africa中国历史学40年:1978-2018
40 Years of Chinese Historiography: 1978-2018迈向优质优价:中国出口企业加成率决定因素及动态演进
Towards High Quality and Good Price:The Determinants and Dynamic Evolution of the Markup Rate of Chinese Export Enterprises