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Effectiveness of Written Corrective Feedback on L2 Writing: A Quantitative and Qualitative Perspective in an EFL Context


第二语言 写作 研究 英文






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Relevant scholars at home and abroad have conducted continuous research on corrective feedback in the field of second language acquisition and second language writing. However, there is no consistent conclusion on the effects of corrective feedback. The participants in corrective feedback have "duality", that is, considering the characteristics of corrective feedback, effective corrective feedback requires the participation of both teachers and learners. This means that individual characteristics such as preferences, experience, and motivation of both parties have a clear impact on the effectiveness of corrective feedback. Clearly, the cognitive bias of second language teachers and learners towards corrective feedback actually leads to a dilemma in corrective feedback research and practice: on the one hand, corrective feedback is cognitively homogeneous, and all participants recognize its positive role in improving writing accuracy; On the other hand, corrective feedback has cognitive heterogeneity, and there is obvious individuality in the cognition of its influence path and degree among different participants. This contradiction between commonality and individuality exacerbates the difficulty of corrective feedback research.
