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Research on Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Aspects and the Construction of the Chinese Dream

小康建设 社会主义建设模式 研究 中国






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本课题紧紧围绕“一条道路”、“两个目标”以及它们之间的辩证关系来展开讨论的。“一条道路”即中国特色的社会主义现代化建设之路,“两个目标”即“全面建成小康社会”和“实现中国梦”的战略目标,它们之间是“路”与“标”、过程与目标、原因和结果的关系。 小康社会是一个比现代化水平较低的社会状态,其侧重点在经济发展和提高人民生活水平上。现代化更多的情况下是一条“路”,它是实现小康社会和中国梦的必经之路,但有时候也是“标”,一种比小康还理想的社会发展水平。随着小康社会的即将全面建成,我们需要确立下一个新的目标,中国梦由此诞生。中国梦是我国新一届领导人习近平提出的以实现中华民族伟大复兴为核心内容的我国现代化建设之路上的又一新的目标,是在全面建成小康社会以后中国各项事业继续发展和全面进步的一个更高的发展目标。实现中国梦和全面建成小康社会具有辩证的逻辑关系。首先,全面建成小康社会是构建和实现中国梦的基础。其次,实现中国梦是对小康社会的巩固和发展。中国梦虽然美好,但面临的挑战依然很严峻。只有我们走对路、走好路,中国梦是一定能够实现的。所以,走什么样的路,依靠什么力量,是实现中国梦的关键

This topic is closely centered on the “one road” and “two goals” and the dialectical relationship between them. The “one road” is the road of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics, and the “two goals” are the strategic objectives of “building a moderately prosperous society in all respects” and “realizing the Chinese dream”. The “one road” is the road of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics, and the “two goals” are the strategic goals of “building a moderately prosperous society in all respects” and “realizing the Chinese dream”. A moderately affluent society is a lower level of society than modernization, focusing on economic development and improving people's living standards. Modernization is more often than not a “road” that must be taken to achieve a moderately prosperous society and the Chinese dream, but sometimes it is also a “standard”, a level of social development that is more desirable than moderately prosperous. With the imminent completion of a moderately affluent society, we need to set a new goal, and the Chinese Dream was born. The Chinese Dream is a new goal for China's modernization and construction with the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as the core content, and it is a higher development goal for China's undertakings to continue to develop and make comprehensive progress after the completion of the moderately affluent society in a comprehensive manner, as put forward by Xi Jinping, the new leader of our country. Realizing the Chinese dream and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects have a dialectical and logical relationship. First, building a moderately prosperous society in all respects is the basis for building and realizing the Chinese dream. Secondly, realizing the Chinese dream is the consolidation and development of the moderately prosperous society. Although the Chinese dream is beautiful, the challenges facing it are still severe. The Chinese dream can certainly be realized only if we take the right path and walk well. Therefore, what kind of road to take and what strength to rely on are the keys to realizing the Chinese dream
