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Chinese Journal of Phonetics. 12th Series

汉语 语音学 文集






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《中国语音学报 》 由中国社 会科学院语言研究所语音室承办,每年两期, 是中国语音学界 重要的 发表平台,书中展示了语 音学的 新成果。语音学是研究言语声音(即语音)的 语言学分支学科。狭义的语音学对应英语中 phonetics(发音)一词,关 切的重点在具体语音本质 以及产生语音的方法,与 之相对的是音韵学(或称音 系学),研究音位或语音区 别特征在某种语言中运作 的抽象规则和语音的系统 。今年是吴宗济先生百年 诞辰纪念,本辑中特别对 吴宗济先生的语音学成果 进行了重点介绍,深切怀 念吴宗济先生等老一辈语 音学家。本期有大量实验 语音学成果,包括对吴、 粤等汉语方言的语音学分 析。语音学在网络科技等 领域发挥出越来越重要的 作用。

The Chinese Journal of Phonetics, organized by the Department of Phonetics, Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and published twice a year, is an important publication platform for the Chinese phonetics community, and it presents new achievements in phonetics. Phonetics is a sub-discipline of linguistics that studies the sounds of speech (i.e., speech sounds). Phonetics, in the narrow sense, corresponds to the English term phonetics, which focuses on the nature of specific sounds and the methods of producing them, as opposed to phonology, which studies the abstract rules and systems of phonology that govern the operation of phonemic or phonological distinctive features in a given language. As this year marks the centenary of the birth of Mr. Wu Zongji, the results of Mr. Wu's phonetics are especially highlighted in this issue, in order to deeply commemorate the memory of Mr. Wu and other phonologists of the older generation. This issue contains a large number of experimental phonological results, including phonological analyses of Wu, Cantonese and other Chinese dialects. Phonetics is playing an increasingly important role in the field of network technology.
