Peasant families are rational, and they always seek to maximize the overall utility of family members and maximize family welfare. There is a limited allocation of resources in the family, the most basic of which is the labor force and labor skills or experience of the family members (i.e. human capital) and a limited number of means of production and material resources. Each person in the family determines the division of labor in the family according to his or her comparative advantages. So in the context of many peasant families being severely affected, there are still so many families who choose to let their family members go out to work, what is the decision-making mechanism? How should the overall impact of emigration on peasant households and their behaviour be assessed? According to the basic framework of family economics, this book decomposes the economic activities of peasant households into two aspects, market activities and non-market (housework) activities, and conducts theoretical exploration and empirical research on three topics: "The impact of population migration on the market activities and household income of peasant families", "The impact of population migration on the internal activities and family relations of peasant families" and "The work-court relationship of the migrant population and its comprehensive impact on the family". It has been obtained that "the positive effect of migrant income to peasant families at this stage is greater than the various negative effects brought by population migration", "the positive and negative effects of labor migration on agricultural production depend on institutional and environmental factors", "improving the degree of achievement of the will and fairness perception of the migrant population and their families has an important impact on the urbanization process", "allowing the children of migrant workers to study in the same school and class with the children of citizens is an important means to realize the urbanization of migrant workers". The promotion of family-type migration and the identity of migrant workers are of great significance for building a harmonious work-family relationship".
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