This is the latest version of the China Overseas Investment Country Risk Rating Report for seven consecutive years. From the perspective of overseas investment by Chinese enterprises and sovereign wealth, this report constructs five major indicators, including economic foundation, solvency, social resilience, political risk and relations with China, with a total of 42 sub-indicators, covering 114 countries and regions, and quantifiably assesses the main risks faced by Chinese enterprises in overseas investment. Compared with previous years, the 2020 report added an index of exchange rate volatility, added 57 sample countries, and adopted the tail reduction treatment method to standardize the outlier processing process. From the overall rating results, developed economies have a better economic foundation, lower political risk, higher social flexibility, stronger debt repayment ability, and lower overall investment risk than emerging economies. According to the risk rating results of countries along the "Belt and Road", the average risk level of countries along the "Belt and Road" is lower than the overall level, and most of them are medium-risk countries.
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