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Ideological Encounters between Western Economists and Marx

西方经济学 研究 马克思主义政治经济学






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Since its birth, Marxist economics has been criticized and criticized by bourgeois economists. From a class standpoint different from Marxism, they comprehensively criticized the Marxist theory of socialized large-scale production, the theory of surplus value, the labor theory of value, the materialist view of history, the theory of the dynamics of historical development, and the state theory from different eras, different models, different logics, different laws, and different conclusions, in an attempt to shake the scientific nature of Marxism. This book selects eight economists, including Mises, Schumpeter, Keynes, Samuelson, Buchanan, Rostow, Popper, and North, starting from their criticism of Marxist economics, leading to the discussion and development of relevant issues by Marxist classic writers and later Marxists, and distinguishing the theoretical differences between the two, aiming to dig into the scientific core of Marxism standing in various criticisms, so as to reveal the status and role of Marxist economics in the entire history of Western economic thought.
