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Monetary Policy, Micro-rights Mapping, and Financing of Micro and Small Enterprises


中小企业 企业融资 研究






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The problem of MSME financing has always been a difficult issue that has plagued the development of MSMEs and economic development. This study provides a new and more comprehensive framework for understanding the financing problem of MSMEs. This study introduces the rights theory of Amartya Sen's study of the famine problem, analyzes the financing problem of MSMEs from the perspective of rights, redefines the financing of MSMEs, the availability of financing, and the right to financing, and especially studies the rights mapping system of MSME financing, pointing out the key role of the rights mapping system and its mechanism of action in the financing problem of MSMEs, and that MSME financing rights mapping system's Micro-improvement can improve the financing problems of micro and small enterprises, and policy makers can achieve the optimization of the rights mapping system of financing for micro and small enterprises through the supply of the system, and the elasticity of the rights mapping system of financing is changing with the optimization of the system.
