The papers and research reports included in this book mainly focus on the following four aspects. (1) Exploration of prosody and general phonetic theory in Chinese: focuses on the prosodic structure of Chinese such as rhythm, weight and intonation. (2) Research on the application of phonetic knowledge and theory: focusing on how to apply phonetic knowledge and linguistic theory to solve speech processing problems in speech engineering, and how to apply phonetic theory and methods in second language teaching and its scientific research, correct pronunciation bias and foreign accent problems. (3) Theoretical discussion on the generation mechanism and communicative meaning of speech random change: From the perspective of the natural mechanism of speech generation and perception and the social characteristics of speech as a communication tool and thinking carrier, the different properties and interrelationships of random speech change at two different levels: local and global in natural discourse are discussed. (4) Modern phonetic analysis on the historical evolution of phonetics: Through the combination of modern phonetic experimental methods and traditional linguistic theories, the relationship between Chinese vowels and the evolution of tones in ancient and modern times is theoretically discussed.
Axiological Approach to Criticism of Literary Translation中国经济报告·2023:推进中国式现代化
CHINA ECONOMIC REPORT 2023 Pursue Chinese Path to Modernization新发展格局:从经济领域到非经济领域:加速启动“五位一体”新发展格局的构建
New Development Paradigm From Economic to Non-Economic Fields——Accelerating the Construction of the Five-sphere Integrated New Development Paradigm中国逻辑的汉语视界
The Chinese Perspective on Chinese Logic英语世界的唐诗翻译:文本行旅与诗学再识
The Translation and Study of China Literature in the English-Speaking World