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区域经济合作 国际合作 研究报告 中国






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Abstract: With the advancement and deepening of the construction of the six major economic corridors of the "Belt and Road", the political, investment, terrorist and geopolitical risks of countries along the route have been increasingly exposed, and Central and South Asia have become the regions with the most concentrated difficulties. Based on the systematic analysis of geopolitical hotspots in Central Asia and South Asia, this report puts forward suggestions for building a "Greater Central Asia Economic Circle", "Indian Ocean Economic Circle" and "Bay of Bengal Economic Circle". In Central Asia, Russia and Iran, although not traditionally considered Central Asian countries, have a great deal of influence in the region; The Pakistani and Afghan issues also have an impact on the development of Central Asia; Central Asian countries themselves are also less developed. It is recommended to build a "Greater Central Asia Economic Circle" to deal with the above risks and challenges in an integrated manner. The geopolitical situation in Central Asia and South Asia has affected the development space of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to the south and north, while the cooperation between China and Eastern African countries is good, and the Ethiopia-Djibouti Economic Corridor, the Kenya-Uganda Economic Corridor and the Tanzania-Rwanda Economic Corridor have begun to take shape, so it is recommended to rely on the four major economic corridors to build a China-Indian Ocean Economic Circle. Countries in the Bay of Bengal region have a low level of regional economic integration due to their uneven levels of development and lack of regionalization momentum and awareness. This has adversely affected the development of the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor. Therefore, it is recommended to attach importance to India's role and integrate Indonesia, Maldives, Sri Lanka and other countries into the "Bay of Bengal Economic Circle" to promote regional economic integration. Keywords: "One Belt, One Road" Russia, Iran, India, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, Bay of Bengal(AI翻译)
