In the era of mass innovation, how to accurately understand and locate the problem of innovation and entrepreneurship education, and at the same time effectively carry out entrepreneurship education for college students, is not only an important theoretical issue, but also a practical problem facing the reform of the talent training mode of colleges and universities. Starting from the basic problems emerging from the emerging entrepreneurship education of college students in the period of social transition, this book clarifies the new connotation of innovation and entrepreneurship education in the context of the era of mass entrepreneurship, and conducts multi-dimensional comprehensive research on the major theoretical and practical issues of entrepreneurship education through comprehensive use of literature research, case studies, survey interviews, comparative research and other methods. In view of the current common problems of college students' entrepreneurship practice in colleges and universities, this paper introduces and analyzes the practical experience of college students' entrepreneurship education in the United States, the United Kingdom and Singapore, starts from the operation channels of college students' job entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, online innovation, and maker space, analyzes the problems that need to be solved urgently in college students' entrepreneurship, constructs and develops the theoretical system and practical operation system of college students' entrepreneurship education, and provides useful reference for the current theoretical research and reform practice exploration in the field of college entrepreneurship education.
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