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Report of Country-risk Rating of Overseas Investment from China(2020)

张明 王碧珺

海外投资 风险评价 研究报告 中国 2020 英文






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The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) China Overseas Investment Country Risk Rating System (CROIC) starts from the perspective of overseas investment by Chinese enterprises and sovereign wealth, and constructs a total of 42 sub-indicators in five major indicators, namely, economic fundamentals, solvency, social resilience, political risk, and relations with China, and quantitatively evaluates the risks faced by Chinese enterprises in their overseas investments through a large amount of data.The 2019 ratings report contains a total of 57 The 2019 rating report includes a total of 57 countries, and the 2020 rating will expand it to 114 countries. The 57 new countries include 14 developed countries and 43 developing countries, covering Asia, Europe, Africa, South America and other regions. In particular, the results of the 2020 risk ratings of countries along the Belt and Road for China's overseas investments are analyzed. The rating system attempts to provide a reference for enterprises to improve the success rate of overseas investment by providing risk warnings.
