The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone is an experimental field for China's reform and opening up, and Shenzhen's magnificent innovation and development process over the past 40 years is a microcosm of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. On the basis of full research, this book systematically sorts out and extracts the innovative practices and development experience of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the past 40 years from the aspects of economic development, scientific and technological innovation, rule of law construction, social governance, ecological civilization construction, cultural construction, party building, and internationalization construction, and profoundly explains the intrinsic relationship between the Shenzhen experience and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, that is, the Shenzhen experience confirms the correctness of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and highlights the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. It has enriched the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. On this basis, this book also looks forward to Shenzhen's new journey of starting again after 40 years to build a pilot demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
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