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Research on the Reconstruction of China's Milk Industry Chain and Raw Milk Quality and Safety Issues

马彦丽 芦丽静

乳品工业 供应链管理 研究 中国 鲜乳 产品质量 安全管理 研究 中国






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   The main contents of this book include: (1) Analysis of melamine events from the perspective of the relationship between industrial chain subjects. (2) Introduce the background and reality of China's dairy industry development and industrial chain reconstruction. (3) Analyze the benefit distribution of China's dairy industry chain based on the benefit transmission model. (4) Evaluate the efficiency of China's dairy farming model considering quality and environmental factors. (5) Analyze the safe production behavior and influencing factors of fresh milk of farmers in the breeding community. (6) Analyze the development ideas and feasibility of the deconstruction and reshaping of China's dairy industry chain. This book argues that combined with the experience of developed countries and regions, although "large dairy enterprises + industrial and commercial capital cattle breeding" is conducive to quickly solving dairy product quality problems and cultivating Chinese enterprises that can participate in international competition in the short term, in the long run, the vertical integration of cooperatives based on family farms is still an important development aspect, and China should leave more space for the development of family farms in the restructuring of the dairy industry chain.
